2020's HISTORY
2020 04
Established the MES (Manufacturing execution system)
2010's HISTORY
2014 04
Awarded a trophy for Outstanding entrepreneurs
2012 04
Acquired Biodegradable filament BY NFRD
(National Fisheries Research And Development)
2011 04
Received the award of the export tower of 5 million dollar
Equipped with the competitiveness of sports fishing,
we have climbed the path of a global company.
2000's HISTORY
2009 09
Appointed as an Innovative Business Company (INNO-BIZ)
Established Corporate R&D Center
2008 09
Appointed as Part & Material Specialized Company
Acquired ISO 14001:2004 & KS 14001:2004 (EQAICC)
2007 02
Launched sports fishing brand “EXSUM”
2004 12
Acquired ISO9002
2004 12
Launched sports fishing brand “EXSUM”
2001 02
Acquired ISO9002
1990's HISTORY
1998 02
Became a member of KITA (Korea International Trade Association)
1994 12
Acquired ISO9002